Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What can I do with....?


Unarmed: Punch, kick and grapple. Pull away from someone who is grabbing you. Assess someone's skill level and fighting style. Study it for weaknesses.

Resistance: Lift heavy things. Win a shoving contest. Tip a vending machine. Flex. Know good recipes for steamed chicken and broccoli.

Melee: Strike with knives, clubs, or axes. Throw a weapon that is capable of being thrown. Recognize and maintain most hand-to-hand weapons.


Athletics: Dodge an attack. Run from danger. Climb a rope. Do a handstand. Throw a rock for accuracy and distance.

Stealth: Hide. Sneak up on someone. Figure out where to look for someone who is hiding. Adopt a disguise. Cover your tracks.

Shoot: Operate, recognize, and maintain most civilian firearms. Relentlessly list off technical specs for various weapons. Get in online fights about gun control.


Awareness: Find something you're looking for in the physical world, or notice things you weren't looking for.

Self-Control: Keep it together under pressure. Resist emotions. Process your feelings. Bottle it all up until you explode in a tornado of violence.

Scavenging: Know where best to look for a specific item or kind of item. Once you've found it, extract it and get it ready for transport/sale/use.

Driving: Drive all kinds of civilian vehicles. Do minor maintenance, e.g. changing tires. Understand mechanics when they talk car jibberish at you.

Criminality: Pick a lock. Lift a wallet. Eyeball a gang and figure out who is in charge. Know where to go to score something illegal.


Foresight: Assert that you packed something or prepared something ahead of time. Predict the likely consequences of an action. Pump the Market for a glimpse into the future.

Research: Get access to a broad range of information on a specific, already-identified topic. Make good use of a library, social gathering, or online resource to do the same.

Mechanics: Fix a thing. Build a thing. Hack a thing to do something else than it was designed for. Recognize what a thing is, if it's mechanical. Figure stuff out about who built/hacked a thing by the way its built/hacked.

First Aid: Use first aid kits, crash bags, etc. to convert Kill to Stun damage or remove Stun damage from a patient.

Profession (X): Do something that people would have paid you for before the Crash. Manage others in that job. Handle finances and procurement for that job. Recognize and use specialized items associated with that job. Socialize or bond with others who used to have the same job.


Networking: "Know a guy who knows a guy." Find jobs. Find buyers for gear. Replace a listed Reference with a new one.

Persuasion: Convince someone to believe something you think is true. Win an argument.

Sensitivity: Read a room. Read a person. Tell when someone's lying. Detect, in face-to-face conversation, one of their Spots.

Deception: Convince someone to believe something you think is untrue. Keep a poker face. Make up crazy stories.

Intimidation: Threaten someone and have it be believed. Get a sense of what someone is scared of. Know when to back off before someone breaks down completely or attacks you.

Leadership: Project confidence. Present a plan. Seem competent. Cultivate loyalty. Get someone to put a group's needs before their own.

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